Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Mr. McAllister playing the bagpipes for St. Patty's day!

Palace of the Popes tour....
Flowers outside of the city center in Avignon!  I look rawnchy- long day!! 

Today we woke up at 6am to catch a train to Avignon….we arrived finally around noon and immediately hopped on a bus to the center of town. Our hotel is about 8 miles outside of the city so we will be walking down the highway around 10 minutes each morning to get to the bus stop---lots and lots of walking!!


Once we got to the city, we stopped by O’neill’s Irish Pub to have a lunch to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. We laughed that we were in France, eating at an Irish pub, listening to a mariachi band across the street.


After lunch, we rode a double-decker Carousel and then headed to the Palace of the Popes. I took a lot of photos of the museum and afterwards hung out in the center of the town to take people pictures. We wound up right next to an Scottish band playing in the streets, later to find out their head bagpipe player’s name was Mcalllister ( I didn’t hear his first name). They called themselves the Claymor Clan. I was so excited!! I took a bazillion pictures of them and can’t wait to show everyone!!!


On the way back to the hotel we stopped at El Rancho- yes, that’s correct….a MEXICAN RESTAURANT by our hotel!! We were served Cool Ranch Doritios with salsa and we all ordered chicken quesadillas. It was so nice to have something besides ham and swiss croissants!


We’re headed to the wine Safari tomorrow, can’t wait!! Its at the Palace of the Popes, so we’ll be back where we were today!



  1. Oh, you look bureteful! You are like the little girls whose moms are posing them in front of The University Club's delicious pink and yellow tulips! Every week, on the way to my B12 shot, I see someone out there snapping away!

    MEXICAN! Ole!

    Have you noticed I'm changing my picture profile every day? Just something to amuse you.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYX0kjpiiZs

    A little sound to go with your bagpiping McAllister dude.

  3. I'm enjoying following your blog. The pictures are nice, too, but my favorite is your profile picture. Is that recent?

    The whole experience sounds wonderful. I'm jealous. Have a blast!

  4. Yippee! Scottish men are hunks ya ken? So or the Frenchies...

    Mexican in France? How odd...

  5. Your pictures are wonderful! Look for Jamie Fraser!
